
Donate to DASH today! Your support empowers survivors and their families across the DC region.

Domestic Violence Mural Will Raise Awareness and Share Hope

March 22, 2010

DASH is excited to partner with artist Joel Bergner to create a mural that honors survivors of domestic violence and tells their stories of victory over violence. Please support this creative and inspiring project! To learn more about the project and to get involved, click here.

Everyday in the District of Columbia, 76 calls are made to the police for help with domestic disputes and violence. The mural will raise awareness about domestic violence in our city, and spread a message of hope and healing. We need your support to make it happen!

The project will cost $25,000 to $40,000 to complete. (The more funds we raise, the bigger our mural can be!)  Click here to help to “kick start” the project by spreading the word, and becoming a donor for as little as $10–here you can watch the artist’s video presentation, see the special incentives for donors, and make a secure donation pledge.

How to Donate to the Mural Project: The artist set up a donation site at Kickstarter. Kickstarter is an online fundraising site for all things creative! It’s trustworthy, safe and powered by Amazon payment system. You can donate online with confidence. If you prefer to mail a donation, we gladly accept checks:

District Alliance for Safe Housing
ATTN:  DV Mural Project
P.O. Box 73186
Washington, DC  20056

About the Artist:  Joel Bergner is an accomplished mural artist. He has painted murals all around metro DC (and beyond–to see some of his amazing work, click here), including very popular murals in Columbia Heights and on U Street.

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Junior League of Washington Members Donate to DASH

March 19, 2010

Members of the Junior League of Washington gathered recently at Proof DC for a “party with a purpose”and collected items for DASH safe housing programs.

League members brought more than 70 donated items to the happy hour–including shampoo, conditioner, soaps, shower/bath gel, shower liners and hooks, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, and household cleaning products!

In addition to the items donated at the party, some League members also logged on to our website and made donations through our Amazon Wish List….so the gifts kept coming even after the party was over!

Thank you so very much to all of the Junior League of Washington members for their support.

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Help a Family in Need in Haiti

February 2010 

Join us in giving a helping hand to a family in need in Haiti.

In the aftermath of the catastrophic January 12th earthquake in Haiti, we have all seen and heard the reports of thousands of lives lost and the heroic efforts of rescue teams and doctors who saved hundreds of lives. Now, we are witness to the courage of the Haitian people as they move forward to rebuild their country and piece together new lives out of the tragedy.

Though the images of suffering, need, bravery and hope come to us from 1,600 miles away, here at DASH, this tragedy touches us very close to home. A member of our staff is a native of Haiti. Many members of her immediate family were hard hit by the quake. Though most were fortunate to escape serious injury, their homes (and in some cases, their entire communities) were destroyed by the earthquake. Right now, the family members make home where they can, but with our support they can begin the arduous journey toward recovery.

Please join me and the entire DASH family in lending a helping hand to support our staff member’s family in Haiti. Your contribution goes directly to the family of our staff person, helping her mother, aunts, uncles and cousins, to secure supplies and begin rebuilding homes lost and lives interrupted by the tragic earthquake.

You can make your donation online using the DONATE button. Your payment will be processed by PayPal, a trusted online payment system that guarantees your privacy and the security of your personal information. Because this is not a DASH fundraising effort, I must ask that you do not send us a check by mail, as we are not able to process these donations in this way.

If you would like to send a gift by mail to help the family members in Haiti, DASH is able to accept MasterCard or VISA gift cards, or MoneyPak cards to help with the family’s recovery needs. Mail your donation of MasterCard gift cards, VISA gift cards or MoneyPak cards ONLY to:

Peg Hacskaylo
Executive Director
PO Box 73186
Washington, DC 20056

On behalf of our entire DASH family, I thank you so much for your help.


Peg Hacskaylo

DASH Executive Director

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2010 Allies in Change Awards

January 31, 2010

Change is Better Than Good. It’s Great.

Making changes to improve safe housing is a big part of what we do at DASH. 

We work to ensure safe housing that’s easier to access.  We develop safe housing models that adapt to the changing needs of residents.  We want safe housing to be more than a good place to call home during recovery from abuse.  We want it to be a great place for abuse survivors to start new lives free from violence.

Our vision is one that’s shared by many.  We are grateful for their support, and we are inspired by their passion and commitment.

In June, DASH will take a moment to celebrate some of the allies who make our work possible.  I hope you will join us in honoring their work to make safe housing great.

More details will follow in the weeks ahead, so be sure to stay tuned.

— Peg

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DASH Needs Your New or Gently Used Items!

January 20, 2010


Huruma Place–our emergency safe housing program–needs your support to make happy homes for the women and children who come to live here. Last year, with help from our donors, we provided safe, comfortable housing to 40 women and 81 children at Huruma Place!

Our donation needs are detailed in this Wish List Bulletin. We welcome new and/or clean, gently used items. (No clothing, please.) 

To download a PDF version of the Wish List, click here.

Most Urgent Needs   
  * Humidifier
  * Pillows
  * Sheet Sets: Twin and Full  * Blankets: Twin and Full  * Towels: Body towels, hand
     towels and washcloths

Women’s Items
Oil Sheen
Heating Pad/Hot Water Bottle
Body wash
Shampoo and conditioner
Pads and tampons
Hand soap
Toilet paper

Children’s/Baby Items
Baby Wipes
Diaper Pails w/Lids
Baby Monitors
Diaper Ointment
Diapers (all sizes except newborn)

Other Needed Items
Duct Tape
Cordless drill
Outdoor/Shop Broom
Socket Wrench Set
Step stool
TVs with Remotes
Digital converter boxes
Air Cleaners/Purifiers
Area Rugs

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Tis the Season…

December 19, 2009

The generosity of our donors is helping to brighten the season for the women, children and families residing in our housing programs! Very special thanks to donor R. Kravit who donated 22 tickets for our program residents to visit “ZooLights,” the National Zoo’s annual winter celebration, and to The Lynch Family for donating a holiday tree to our Huruma Place emergency housing program.

Residents are already making plans to visit ZooLights, and many of our young residents spent last Saturday afternoon handcrafting ornaments, decorating the tree, and drawing festive pictures to hang alongside the tree. We think you’ll agree that the tree is just beautiful:

Thanks again to our donors! If you are interested in making a holiday gift donation to DASH residents, we are accepting donations through December 23rd. We are very much in need of wrapping paper, tape, gift tags and gift bags. Call Rena at 202-462-3274 to donate.

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Clothing Donations for DASH

December 7, 2009

We have been overwhelmed (in a very good way!) by generous donations of clothing for the women and children in our programs. Right now we cannot accept clothing because we do not have storage space for more donations. But please do not let that stop you from donating clothing for a good cause. Consider donating to another community program in DC (click here for a listing from DC’s 211 Answers Please).

Or, you can turn your clothing into a cash gift by consigning the clothes and donating the proceeds to DASH! Here are some Google links to DC clothing consignment shops to get you started:

View Larger Map

Thank you for your support!

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DASH Featured in 2010 CNHED Calendar

December 1, 2009


DASH is proud to be a part of the Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development (CNHED) 2010 calendar. A resident from our Empowerment Project permanent housing program is featured in the calendar at the month of May.

To pick up a FREE calendar, visit us at one of our upcoming community events during December and January, or while supplies last.


To request your copy of the calendar by mail, please send $5 to cover mailing costs (please do not send cash) along with your name and mailing address to:

ATTN: 2010 Calendar
P.O. Box 73186
Washington, DC  20056

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The Red Derby and Patrons Support DASH

November 28, 2009

In honor of Thanksgiving, The Red Derby and the Sunday Night Club hosted a Thanksgiving food drive and fundraiser for DASH. The event was a great success, helping to stock our pantry shelves with canned goods for newcomers to our programs, and raising more than $1,100 for DASH!

Very special thanks to Sasha, The Red Derby, all of the Sunday Night Club members, Jordan, Pabst Blue Ribbon, and everyone who came out to The Red Derby in support of DASH. We are thrilled and so grateful for your generosity!

Now more than ever, DASH needs your support. Our organization serves some of the District’s most vulnerable residents, providing safe housing, support, and advocacy to those made homeless by domestic violence. This holiday season, we ask for your help us to continue strengthening the city’s safety net services. Make a tax deductible donation to DASH today.

Your contribution will fund temporary and permanent housing for more than 100 adults and children made homeless by domestic violence, and you will help dozens of families avoid homelessness caused by violence. Click here to make a secure online donation to DASH right now using Network for Good donation website. Thank you for your support!

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Spur Local Critical Nonprofit 23
GuideStar Seal of Transparency
Impact Rated Nonprofit seal via Impact Matters
Greatest Nonprofits Top-Rated
United Way: #9391 | CFC: #99008
District Alliance for Safe Housing | PO Box 91730 Washington, DC 20090
202-462-3274 | info@dashdc.org | 501(c)(3) | #71-1019574