A gift is the best way to provide immediate stability to survivors and their children being welcomed through our doors.
Your secure online donation today will support safe housing in the District!
Every dollar makes an impact in the lives of survivors and their families. To empower more lives, join our monthly donor, Empowerment Circle and select “monthly” as the donation frequency.
Holiday Drive
There are many ways to spread cheer with DASH this holiday season! DASH is seeking donations of funds and gift cards to provide a festive holiday season to survivors and children in our programs.
- Host a Gift Drive
- Create your own holiday fundraiser
- Make a year end tax-deductible gift online or send a check to: DASH, PO Box 91730, Washington, DC 20090.
If you have questions or want to partner this holiday season, please contact us Development@dashdc.org.
Current Volunteer Need
We are back open for in-person volunteer opportunities! There are many ways to volunteer as an individual or as a group or ways to host a community drive for urgent needs.
For a full list of opportunities check out our volunteer page.
Host a Fun-raiser
Want a fun and impactful way of supporting your neighbors in need? Host a funraiser for DASH. Its easy to set up, simply send an email to Rose to get started at Role-kuyan@dashdc.org.
Questions? Reach us at 202-462-3274 or via email at Development@dashdc.org.