
Donate to DASH today! Your support empowers survivors and their families across the DC region.

DASH Family Movie Night

Last Friday we started a new DASH tradition, Family Movie Night. We ate movie snacks generously donated by Kayla Johnson and Kati Garness while enjoying A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. If you would like to sponsor a DASH Family Movie Night, email Mari at mvangenadams@dashdc.wpengine.com. In December we will be watching Elf!

Sponsoring includes providing a family friendly movie, movie snacks and attending the film showing!

Our upcoming nights are December 7th, January 31st and February 28th.

dash movie night

Spur Local Critical Nonprofit 23
GuideStar Seal of Transparency
Impact Rated Nonprofit seal via Impact Matters
Greatest Nonprofits Top-Rated
United Way: #9391 | CFC: #99008
District Alliance for Safe Housing | PO Box 91730 Washington, DC 20090
202-462-3274 | info@dashdc.org | 501(c)(3) | #71-1019574