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DASH gets a shout out on Kojo Nnamdi

Thursday, May 26th, the NPR Nationally syndicated Kojo Nnamdi show featured a panel discussion on Nonprofit Organizations and their efforts to stay afloat under the tough economy, while charitable giving is down and many non-profits are struggling to stay afloat.  The panel, including Nonprofit Roundtable Executive Director Chuck Bean, commented on the challenges area nonprofit organizations are having meeting increased demand for services while managing with tighter budgets.

“In fiscal year 2010, we served over 600 victims of domestic violence and their children through our housing programs, but we’re unable to serve approximately 530 victims and children. The population we serve is particularly impacted by the economic downturn,” Suzanne Marcus, DASH’s Deputy Director, emailed in to the show. 

“Nationally, shelters facing local funding cuts reported an 80 percent rise in women seeking services because of increased abuse due to financial issues and job loss. DASH is relying on our partnerships with other organizations, volunteer support, and cutting back on resources that are already spread thin in order for us to meet that need.”  Chuck and the other panelists went on to comment on the problem throughout the show.

Hear the show here or read the transcript here.

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United Way: #9391 | CFC: #99008
District Alliance for Safe Housing | PO Box 91730 Washington, DC 20090
202-462-3274 | info@dashdc.org | 501(c)(3) | #71-1019574