Woodley House
2711 Connecticut Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20008
Population served
- Single women
- Single men
Wheelchair accessible
- Transitional housing for 6 months to 1 year (11 scattered sites)
- Case management services
- Day program
- Skills training
- Meals
- Laundry services
- $100 for toiletries/personal items
Admissions process
Referrals come from the Department of Mental Health, courts and core service agencies. Anyone making a referral should call to obtain the “program referral sheet” which explains the process and the various documentation needed, including a LOCUS score of 22 or less and doctor’s list of all current medications. All necessary documentation is required before an interview is conducted with the applicant.
The program will provide transportation if public transportation is not feasible. There is a fee of $1022 dollars for all CRF community residential clients. Program accepts Bridge Push Funds, and SSI.
Eligibility requirements
Must be a DC resident; must have a mental illness diagnosis and be connected to a core service mental health agency.