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Resources for Minority Mental Health Awareness

Addressing the Lack of Black Mental Health Professionals | INSIGHT Into  Diversity

Do racial minorities in the United States suffer from more mental illness than white Americans? There isn’t enough available research to give this question an informed answer (though some of what we do have suggests the answer is no). But what has been thoroughly researched and proven is that racial minorities receive much less support when they do suffer from mental health issues, as the majority of Americans will at some point in their lives. These disparities in treatment only grow when further minority identities are acknowledged.  

There can be cultural reasons for such disparities. While a general feeling of mistrust towards the medical community has historic origins rooted in the abuse of minorities, specifically Black and Native Americans, recent studies have observed that even when Black Americans are just as likely to believe mental health professionals can help with major mental health crisis like schizophrenia and depression, there is a tendency to believe these issues can also self-resolve. These beliefs may stem from cultural practices, religious dogma, or even online disinformation.

But regardless of the reason why some minorities will occasionally limit their exposure to the medical community, when they do reach out for mental health help, the largest barrier to getting it is a systemic lack of resources.

To help you navigate the often frustrating landscape of resources available, below you can find a list of resources for BIPOC communities, LGBTQ+ communities, and all those who intersect between the two.

BIPOC Mental Health Provider Directories

Virtual Resources for BIPOC communities


  • The Safe Place: Free smartphone app focused on psychoeducation and self-care for minority mental health, geared towards the Black community
  • Liberate: Smartphone app for daily meditation designed for the BIPOC community and led by BIPOC teachers (free trial followed by monthly or annual subscription)

Resource Libraries

Resource Lists

Further Reads

Resources for Specific Groups


  • The Steve Fund: Library of resources to support mental health and emotional well-being of young people of color
  • Young People of Color Support Guide: Online guide to mental health concerns that young people of color may face during transitions from home to college, and from college to early adulthood
  • We R Native: Library of resources for Native and indigenous youth with practical strategies for building resilience, coping with diverse mental health challenges, and seeking help and support


  • QTPoC Mental Health Practitioner Directory: Virtual directory of mental health practitioners across the country for queer and trans people of color, provided by the National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network
    • Curated resources such as hotlines, online support groups, and organizations for queer and trans people of color also available
  • Resources for Members of the LGBTQ+ Community: Virtual directory of psychiatrists, therapists, text and chat services, and online communities specifically geared towards the LGBTQ+ community, provided by NAMI Massachusetts
  • Asylum Connect Catalog: Free virtual platform that matches LGBTQ+ asylum seekers with vetted legal, medical, mental health and social services

Give Us The Floor: Nation-wide support groups for LGBTQ+ youth to build healthy connections, practice self-expression, and enhance psychological wellness

Donovan Trott, Manager, Development & Communications

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