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Summer Fun Wellness Day for DASH Residents!

Summer Fun Wellness Day

Last Saturday was Summer Fun Day at Cornerstone, themed around our Wellness Program offerings. Residents, Staff, and DASH Volunteers shared fresh summer snacks, garden mint tea & juice,  and socializing together. From make-overs and face paint to music and dancing, the mood was incredibly fun and festive!

Hot-packs, microwaveable and used for sore joints and necks, were crafted out of socks and rice generously donated from Board Member Jordan Fitzgerald, and rosemary picked fresh from

Rosemary hot pack

DASH’s own community garden. DASH’s regular knitting group members led the way in yarn class and taught skills to newbies.  Cornerstone volunteer acupuncturist provided demonstration sessions and chatted with the group, about the health benefits of this ancient practice.

Says Ayesha Ali, DASH’s Cornerstone Wellness Intern, “The event was a success!  Not just because residents came, [participated, and helped], but because they stepped up with their gifts, talents and ingenuity…to make an event ‘for’ them instead be an event ‘by’ them.”

Mint Lime Iced Tea

Inspired by the day, residents are looking forward to creating a Zumba Party for the next event!

Thank you to everyone who helped make this a great success.

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United Way: #9391 | CFC: #99008
District Alliance for Safe Housing | PO Box 91730 Washington, DC 20090
202-462-3274 | info@dashdc.org | 501(c)(3) | #71-1019574