
Donate to DASH today! Your support empowers survivors and their families across the DC region.

Happy Halloween from DASH!

photo (2)The DASH Community Room at Cornerstone on Wednesday was an explosion of dragons, bumblebees, doctors and ninjas as the DASH kids picked out their Halloween costumes. The excitement in the air was palpable as the kids dug through mountains of donated costumes. It took some kids over a half hour to choose between being a ninja, a zombie, a knight or batman for this Halloween. It’s thanks to the work of the Red Derby that they get to choose between so many wonderful options. The Red Derby donated over 70 costumes and dozens and dozens of bags of Halloween candy to DASH again this year, helping to make it special and fun for all our kids and their moms.

photo (3)Tonight the kids will celebrating Halloween at a Halloween party hosted by Homeless Children’s Playtime Project. The community room has been decorated, there is green spaghetti in the fridge candy everywhere in the office. It looks like it’s going to be a fun, spooky night.

photo (6)As the kids are celebrating Halloween at DASH, we will be celebrating BalderDASH at Agora bar for our annual fall fundraiser. Stop by for a chance to win the costume contest and meet some of our great staff!


Back to School!

20130822_183158_resized20130822_184213_resizedOn August 22nd, DASH held a Back-To-School Party to give out all of the amazing backpacks and schools supplies that were donated by the Red Derby and Eagle Bank, and to get the children excited for the new school year! In total 37 elementary school students, 8 middle school s20130822_185226_resizedtudents, 11 high school students and 4 college students were provided with all of the materials they needed to start the school year off right and be ready to learn.  Our parents/guardians were extremely grateful for this support given how expensive starting a new school year can be, and all of the kids were absolutely thrilled!  Thank you so much to the Red Derby and Eagle Bank for making such a huge difference in the lives of DASH’s families. We are so grateful for you!

Spur Local Critical Nonprofit 23
GuideStar Seal of Transparency
Impact Rated Nonprofit seal via Impact Matters
Greatest Nonprofits Top-Rated
United Way: #9391 | CFC: #99008
District Alliance for Safe Housing | PO Box 91730 Washington, DC 20090
202-462-3274 | info@dashdc.org | 501(c)(3) | #71-1019574