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DASH and the E&G Group Receive the MassMutual Citizenship Award from the Washington Business Journal

Even before one of his real estate company’s employees was the victim of domestic abuse, E&G Group executive Thomas Gallagher began working with Peg Hacskaylo of the District Alliance for Safe Housing to place survivors of domestic violence in E&G properties. Photo by Joanne S. Lawton.

This morning DASH and the E&G Group received the MassMutual Citizenship Award from the Washington Business Journal designed to honor the region’s most active and inspiring partnerships between local businesses and nonprofits. Awarded at the Washington Business Journal’s Corporate Philanthropy Awards Breakfast, MassMutual and WBJ honor businesses and nonprofits that have created a partnership which benefits families and children in the area. These are partnerships that made a difference through philanthropic work, both financially and through volunteer hours, and have made a commitment to:

•           A philosophy of “doing well by doing good”, by supporting nonprofits  focused on families and children.

•           Ongoing involvement of the CEO/owner and senior leadership in the company’s social initiatives.

•           Active promotion of philanthropy and volunteerism among employees.

•           Demonstrating a measurable social impact of the company’s philanthropic efforts.

DASH is thrilled to be the recipients of The Washington Business Journal’s Corporate Philanthropy Citizenship partner award this morning for its partnership to ensure safe housing and freedom from violence for those enduring domestic violence. We are honored to receive this distinction with such wonderful partners. The organization will be featured in next week’s Washington Business Journal.

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United Way: #9391 | CFC: #99008
District Alliance for Safe Housing | PO Box 91730 Washington, DC 20090
202-462-3274 | info@dashdc.org | 501(c)(3) | #71-1019574