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Survivors are the Experts in their own Situations: DC Wise & DASH

DASH is thrilled to announce its most recent partnership with DC Wise (Women in Solidarity for Empowerment). 

Who is DC Wise?  

DC Wise is an organization committed to investing in, and enhancing organizations, that positively impact the lives of women and children in the DMV region. Specifically, they provide general operating funds to organizations like DASH who provide essential services and opportunities to women and children in the DC area who are homeless, low-income, or otherwise at-risk.  

Why was DASH selected? 

DC WISE has chosen to provide three years of general operating support to DASH because of our innovation in providing access to safe housing and critical services to survivors of domestic and sexual violence and their families as they rebuild their lives on their own terms. 

“DC Wise is proud to support an organization whose core belief is that survivors are the experts in their situations.” 

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the deeply insidious inequities in our community. DASH has been called upon more than ever during the pandemic as emergency shelters reach capacity and cannot accommodate stays past 30 days. DASH’s Cornerstone program has been a lifeline for survivors for immediate access to safety as well as longer-term housing to recover and rebuild.  

“The deep impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to unfold across the DC region but the survivors in our programs will have a safe haven at DASH thanks to general operating support from DC Wise.” 

Koube Ngaaje, DASH Executive Director
Spur Local Critical Nonprofit 23
GuideStar Seal of Transparency
Impact Rated Nonprofit seal via Impact Matters
Greatest Nonprofits Top-Rated
United Way: #9391 | CFC: #99008
District Alliance for Safe Housing | PO Box 91730 Washington, DC 20090
202-462-3274 | | 501(c)(3) | #71-1019574